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Frequently Asked Questions


You've mentioned a bunch of tools. What do they mean?


Have you heard jokes about consultants who read your watch and tell you the time? Well, we want to stay far away from those guys. As you work with us, you'll see that we bring some really sharp tools to the table. Take just one: Systematic Inventive Technique. That was created by Genrich Altshuller, a brilliant Russian guy who discovered that there are specific patterns for inventing. Using this we will teach your team how to systematically generate high-value solutions to your client problems. 


How does the coaching work?


We'll work 1-on-1 with your leaders as well in group sessions. Most of the coach calls will be on the phone or skype. These are short calls that have a weekly rhythm to ensure that leaders are resourceful and moving forward. 


You've got innovation, people, and operations. Do I need to sign up for each service separately? 


No. What you do is sign up for a RESULT. That's it. A number that we both think is worth going after. Our entire service bundle is given at no additional charge.


What if I want just one part of your service? Like capability assessments? Or Executive coaching? 


That's fine too. Many of the larger companies we work with often want to fix just one part - and we're good for that. 


Is Meta expensive? How do you charge?


We create new money with you. And you pay us out of cash you did not have when we started. So that's better than free! This amount is a percentage of new money - in the range of 9-15% depending on the situation your company is in.


I can see your skin is in the game. But what if we don't hit the numbers? 


You pay pro rata. If we hit only 50% of the goal, you pay nothing more than the monthly subscription. In the rare case we hit less than 50% we pay you back on a pro-rata basis. That's it. No confusion. No comebacks. No excuses. 


After the 30-day trial, what if we take your ideas and do it on our own? 


You could and we'd be happy to let you. 


When do we pay the fees?


After the trial period, you can pay the amount through NEFT or cheque.  

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Meta Results Private Limited, Koramangala 1st Block, Bangalore, 560034, India   

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