FAQ: On Leadership Assessments
What exactly is a leadership competency?
Competencies are observable knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors (KSABs) critical to successful job performance. To lead people effectively there are specific skills and behaviors you need.
Why should I bother with leadership Competencies?
Everything rises or falls on leadership. If your leadership is lacking in some areas, you may be losing some value and ground needlessly. The worst thing is that it could be a blind spot. Everyone else can see the flaw, but you can't! You should bother to fix any area that holds you back - but first, you need to find the truth about yourself.
Are leadership competencies different from professional ones?
Yes, they are. Professional competencies are what you may call domain skills. Most people manage the nuts and bolt of their work well - that is the actual tasks such as project management or accounting or coding. The trouble starts when you have to work with other people and lead them. The loss is devasting when your leadership competencies are less developed.
Can I trust the report?
When you get feedback from 8-10 people, there is definitely a message in it. If you just ask people to give you feedback, they simply lie through their teeth! You'll hear a bunch of half-truths. After all, why should they risk their necks to tell you the bad news about you? So, yes, when you do an anonymous Leadership Competency report, you can be sure there is significant value in it. In addition, our coaches will help you interpret the report with you.
How do you pay for the services?
Corporates: Once you start the service, we raise an invoice to your company. While your internal processes are being worked out to make the payment, we will begin the work of designing the survey. The next steps will be taken as soon as we receive the PO.
Individuals: After you sign up, we will send you the invoice. After payment has been made the process will be rolled out.
Answers are fine. But taking action is what really counts. Pick your Competencies and get started!

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